Project's Day---Drunken Duster

This will be a sneak preview of the research and jobs that will be split among us.THe chart below will show whose job, what job and when the job should be completed.

What job is this? Whose job is this? When is the deadline?
Modify and improve on prototype Mainly Eugene Exactly 1 week before Finals
Squirtbottle duster and Mop Kenneth and Bernard Exactly 1 week before Finals
Obtain alternative solvents Seng Kiak Exactly 2 weeks before Finals
More detailed market survey Seng Kiak and Eugene Exactly 2 weeks before Finals
Improve Website Mainly Bernard Exactly 1 week before Finals
Packaging of prototype Whole Group Exactly 1 week before Finals

The Process(Stages)

The following shows the stages that made us here in the semifinals.(From Prelim)

  1. Obtain Materials. (Group members)

  2. Survey and tabulation of results. (Kenneth)

  3. Design of the prototype. (Group members)

  4. Making the prototype. (Eugene)

  5. Testing the prototype and modify when necessary. (Eugene)

  6. Webpage. (Bernard and Seng Kiak)

  7. Presentation. (Kenneth)