Every rainbow has an end, every story has an end, similarly, our project's day presentation has come to an end too.But before we end, our group leader Kenneth has something to say about his feelings about the project:
"We feel that in the process of discussing the project, we learnt a lot like teamwork and team understanding. The project made the bond between us stronger and closer, and understands more about our teammates. Though me encountered lots of obstacles and failures, we managed to strive through, with a heart to do our best, and most importantly, together as a team. As the leader, I believe a team, which can excel must have thrust amongst the teammates, and understandings between each other. And so, my team and I will do our best and strive for the best results, and overcome obstacles. "
Group Leader, Kenneth
With this new duster, teachers and student will be expecting a cleaner whiteboard which is one of the components that bring about a conducive learning environment. The class will be left spotlessly clean at the end of every lesson and at the same time, enabling the teacher to transfer valuable information to the students clearly. We will continue to improve on this duster to suit the daily needs of teachers and students and make it a more user-friendly duster.
Thank You For your attention!!!
As the project comes to its end, we would like to take this opportunity to thank the following:
Judges, for your attention and time for this project.
Our teacher-mentor Mdm Leow, for her endless upport she had given us.
Our Research module teacher Ms Wun, for a help towards our project and the valuable notes.
Our form teacher, Ms Cheong (Bernard:i really owe you one).
Teachers, who have help us in the survey and in any other way.
Students who had given us ideas and opinions to enhance the project.
Audience, for your kind attention.
Thank You!
Question & Answer Session